You can’t have an eating disorder & actually live your life with Georgia Gidney

This podcast episode features Victoria Kleinsman interviewing Georgia Gidney, who recovered from an eating disorder with Victoria’s help. They discuss Georgia’s recovery journey, including the fear she felt around recovery, how she pushed past that fear, her experience with extreme hunger, and the hardest parts of recovery for her.

Key Discussion Points:

– Georgia’s history with disordered eating started at a very young age and her eventual anorexia diagnosis at age 17

– The pivotal moment when Georgia decided to get a recovery coach

– The intense fear Georgia felt about starting recovery and how she moved past it through self-talk and opposite action

– Georgia’s experience with extreme hunger during recovery, eating up to 8,000 calories per day

– The hardest part of recovery for Georgia is learning to rest and be less productive

– How recovery transformed not just Georgia’s relationship with food but her entire life

Key Quotes:

“I had a great fear that me recovered me would be, I don’t know… Just stereotypically, like, not being able to do anything, not be productive.” (Georgia, 00:42:46)

“I want people to know that they might be so super, super, super duper scared, but they can still recover, go through recovery. And it’s possible.” (Georgia, 00:53:44)

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