Guest on “Strong Tea” Podcast
Welcome to Strong Tea, the love child of two women who just LOVE to chat. Katie & Vikki love chatting so much that they wanted to turn those chats into a platform to help others, to open up the conversation on difficult-to-talk-about topics, taboo subjects and things that people shy away from openly discussing.
Episode 25- Surviving domestic abuse
Trigger warning: This episode contains details of violence, rape, animal abuse, depression and emotive content.
Contains some swearing.
Victoria Kleinsman is an inspiration. In what is one of the most emotional episodes in the Strong Tea series so far, we cannot tell you how wonderful this lady is.
Vic is a coach who provides food freedom and body love counselling. She is also a podcaster and all-round fantastic human being. Vic in her own words has been through some “tough shit” and has faced challenges that have meant heartbreak, fear, adversity and incredible growth.
This is our first episode with Vic and we are so lucky she has joined our Strong Tea family.
This topic will be a tough one to listen to, Vic will tells us about her horrific experiences of domestic abuse. A journey which nearly cost her her life. This is a must listen to episode however there are trigger warnings.
If you are affected by this episode and would like to get in touch with Vic, then please go to her website to find out more Food Freedom & Body Love Coach | Victoria Kleinsman –
To those who are being abused and feel stuck….we see you and you don’t have to feel alone.